a third birthday
I love my kids birthdays. Naturally, since we’re kind of just crazy about them, a day filled with time together doing things they love is very fun!
Here are some favorite moments from the day…
Kaden’s view
And up.
Waking up & seeing his balloons.
Spotting his presents & opening one at a time, sauntering over to the pile in his monster jammies to retrieve another after each one.
His audience.ย
Daddy made him a special lock-box. Has 5 different locks on it. Lord knows, this boy loves locks.
I’ve realize giving him cards how much he pays attention to the pictures when we read. He told me Thing 1 & Thing 2 were running with a kite. In the book in that pose, they have kites.ย
Learning the art of Lincoln Logs. He’s gonna love another building-sort of toy.
The balloons were a big hit.
I tried to explain to Kaden how he could make a wish for something he hoped for when he blew out the candles. Like a toy or something else fun. Someone else suggested another baby brother or sister. Kaden wished for strawberries. Good choice, K ๐
Clarissa & Faith’s gift to Kaden…
2 goldfish. After watching Finding Nemo he wanted a fish. He named them “spaghetti” and “jump jump”.
Faith’s card cracked me up.
Legos & trains. That is a hard combination to beat.
Birthday celebration, phase 2: bounce house.
Kaden has the very best aunts & uncles.
Surprise ๐
“Mimi, do you want to ride on the back?”
He takes distributing party hats very seriously.
Jump, jump, jump around.
This little squirt wants to put everything in her mouth.
I told Kaden around 2:30 that his friends were coming over at 4. He asked me every few minutes until then “is it 4 o’clock yet?” Jumping with joy as they walked through the door.
Happy birthday to you…
Side thought, every once in awhile I feel like I pray something just not at all important. Like when we were on our Disney Cruise & I really wanted to see a dolphin. I’d been to the ocean plenty & taken several cruises but had never seen a wild dolphin & prayed something like “God, I’d really like to see a dolphin. I mean, it really doesn’t matter and there are much more important things, but I’d like to see a dolphin.” And a few minutes later as I was unpacking our bag, Landon called out from the balcony there were dolphins. I ran out and got to see them jumping along the side of the ship maybe 7 or 8 times. Well, the past few days Alia will not sleep without me. I get up, she wakes up. I had her to sleep around 8:30 last night, tried to get up a few times, she’d wake up. Around 8:56 I prayed, God, this has been a great day, and this is not all that important, but I’d really like to be with Kaden at 9:01 so I can give him a kiss and tell him that I’m so glad he was born three years ago, right now. 9:00, I got up, Alia stayed asleep, and I got my kiss <3 Sometimes it’s the little things that make you feel so loved.
Three. So excited for all this year will bring…
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Erin Billups
May 23, 2013 at 10:45 amGod knows our hearts and sometimes the little things are important and He wants us to have those little things too. I teared up reading that bit. Happy bday Kaden! I’m so glad you guys had fun and love how much family means to you. ๐