Birthday Week
The morning after Kaden’s birthday he woke up bright eyed and excited and told me “today is still my birthday!” 🙂 I told him it was his birthday week, and we still had some fun planned…
Visit with Nana, Papa, & Uncle Joel.
Which of course means more presents 🙂
These balloons are on their 7th day. Party City, you have exceeded my expectations.
Chef Mickey’s
Character sightings are very exciting when you’re 3 years old.
Is that Mickey Mouse?!
Kaden! Are you seeing this?!?!!
Mimi’s birthday
Food prep.She spotted the tissue paper…
Pool time. Out of all the boats & balls & toys, he likes the red cup.
“toss it in the oven for the baby and me!”
Learning to pedal.
He likes to eat in the Bumbo. Peas & cheese salad. Bag of frozen peas, some chopped cheese (I used raw sharp cheddar), a bit of chopped onion, & mix dressing of 1/4 cup mayo, 1/4 cup (almond) milk, salt & pepper. It’s good.
Music on the porch.
Until the bugs sent us inside.
A little Avett brothers, Lumineers, & old mountain songs. Fun time.
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