How to wash gDiapers
First, I’ll start by saying that washing cloth diapers is not as terribly gross as it sounds. And once you have a baby you’ll be washing baby poo out of laundry, regardless of whether you use cloth or disposable diapers. And 3 years into this, our washer has never smelled like poop afterwards.
As for what you do with the poopy diapers, for exclusively breastfed babies you don’t have to do anything, just put it in the wet bag and it will come out in the rinse. Once baby start solids, you’ll want to dump any solid waste into the toilet before putting the gCloth in the wet bag (for more thorough explanation of gDiapers terminology & whatnot, read here.)
Now that all that is out of the way, this is how we wash our diapers…
- Dump the wet bag in the washer. Put the wet bag in too. Put them on a cold rinse (just rinse, and no soap.) This gets poop out before you actually wash them.
- Do a hot wash with a mild detergent (list of cloth diaper friendly detergents here.) Follow up with a cold rinse.
- Dry the cloth inserts and wet bags in the dryer. Let pouches air dry.
Again that’s…
- Dump wet bag in. Throw wet bag in too.
- Cold rinse.
- Hot wash.
- Cold rinse.
- Dry everything but the pouches.
Pretty easy π
gPant covers get velcroed shut (so they don’t snag) and washed with the regular laundry.
For any stains, lay diapers in the sun & it will naturally bleach them out. Or just let it be until the next wash and it usually comes out that way too. The plastic pouches sometimes stain, which doesn’t bother me as they’re not seen, but if that bothers you, you could do the sun bleach method.
And now, for our giveaway! As selected by, the winner of the gStyle outfit and gDiaper along with a pack of disposable inserts is Cara Frame! Congratulations!!! I’ll send you an email to get the info you need to get your prize π
Happy diapering π
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April 19, 2013 at 9:22 pmI didn’t think you could wash the gpants and especially the snap in pouches on hot. I never did because it says warm wash on the care tag. I’ve been using gdiapers for 17 months now and I have to do a warm rinse, a warm wash twice (once with soap once without), separate the pants and pouches and wetbag from the cloth inserts. Then do two hot wash cycles to sanitize and fully clean. π
Katelyn Perkins
April 22, 2013 at 3:06 pmI wash my regular laundry on cold, so the gPants get washed on cold along with it. I’ve never had a problem with washing the others on hot though π