our life in pictures, by Kaden & Alia
Early this year we gave the kids an old digital camera, and they both have loved using it to photograph whatever they feel like. Its 300 photo memory card recently filled up, so I imported the pictures to clear it out.
I was kind of amused at all their little captures – it was fun for me to literally see our lives from their perspective. Here’s a handful of my favorites.
Car ride from where Kaden sits.
Alia wants a turn.
Sense of placement.
Waiting for lunch.
Playing with Legos.
Mom’s in the kitchen again.
Water break.
Dad’s working.
Christmas tree’s up!
Arg’s here!
tea time.
Time to eat again!
<3 Legos
Mom’s FaceTiming Grandma Teff. Better go get a word in.
Kaden’s reading.
Merry Christmas!
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