Life, Photography

family pictures

We had family pictures taken downtown a few weeks ago. Here are some of my favorites to share with you all!DSC_0286DSC_0306DSC_0403DSC_0406 DSC_0489DSC_0538P.s. it’s Landon’s birthday today! Happy birthday babe πŸ™‚DSC_0691 DSC_0661DSC_0705 DSC_0809DSC_0819 DSC_0919DSC_0952And just for fun, a few outtakes. This is life with toddlers, folks πŸ˜‰
DSC_0040DSC_0568 DSC_0570DSC_0857All pictures by Keaton Webb of Webb Focus Photography.


  1. Amanda

    December 23, 2013 at 11:32 am

    Beautiful! I love the out takes, we can relate πŸ™‚

  2. Heather

    December 23, 2013 at 11:37 am

    Great pictures!

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