Big Girl Jammies
There are milestones that get discussed at pediatrician visits and in baby books, and then there are others that get less attention, but are exciting and defining nonetheless.
Big girl jammies. With separate pants & shirts, not an all-in-one sleeper. Beginning to bridge the gap between babyhood and toddlerhood.
(But she is not a toddler yet. She is a baby for at least another 6 months, if not a year.)
She wakes up with crazy hair.Another unsung milestone. First time coloring. This is a big one too ๐
Happy Monday y’all!
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Angela VanNostrand
October 1, 2013 at 12:18 pmSuch a cutie! I have a little red-head, too. Although my Merrick has brown eyes…but, yes! The crazy morning hair is starting, now that there is enough! LOL. Very cute pajamas, too. Where are they from?
Katelyn Heather
October 1, 2013 at 1:03 pmThank you! The first pic’s jammies are from Baby Gap, the Princess ones are from BJ’s ๐