Bedtime & Daytime
Writing while snuggled between two striped jammie babes. Our bedtime routine has become so nice. Around 8 or so I make my way to the bathroom, and Alia follows me, just like she does all day. I wash my face, brush teeth, & switch out my contacts for glasses, periodically picking up Alia at her request. I lay out three pairs of jammies and call Kaden in to brush his teeth. Sometimes we wash our feet if we’ve been outside barefoot (which happens a lot lately.) We all get changed. Then each of the babies gets to pick one book to read. We all three climb into the little toddler bed and sit and read them together. Alia looks at another book or holds little Pooh Bear or something to help keep her occupied sometimes. Tonight she crawled over and plopped her butt in my lap to get a good seat for the story. She is so snuggly. Then it’s time for lights out so we all climb in the big bed. Alia lays on one side and nurses and Kaden lays on the other “on my arm”. They fall asleep quickly because they’re so tired out from the fun we’ve had all day. It’s very peaceful and happy.
Today was such a nice day. We went to Whole Foods with Mimi & Faith. First the babies looked around the pumpkins. Then they each got in a cart and we got all our groceries. Alia was excited about the apples, bananas, & wanted to hold the hummus & oatmeal box. We picked up fresh salmon for dinner and it was soooo good. After our shopping was done we had coffee/snack break in the cafe. Their pumpkin spice latte is yum!!
At home Alia napped. Kaden watched some Mickey Mouse cartoons. I made Alia an owl hair clip and cut out the felt to make Kaden a baby deer for Christmas. After she woke up we went for a walk. It was really nice out. We saw these little ghosts that look like trick or treaters from Charlie Brown. They are so cute. I would want one with a buncha holes if they were in my yard ๐ We picked up nuts and leaves and sticks too of course. Then we went home and had dinner. We Facetimed Daddy for the 3rd time today, played Legos, & shared baked apple on the couch. I think Alia was pleased to be eating the same as mommy and Kaden. Each bite she would lean forward with her happy little grin and watch us take our bites too. Then more Legos & bedtime.
I love fall. It’s really, really been fun. And I love these babies too ๐
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