bathtime babies
Sometimes I like to blog about ordinary things because one day when they won’t be ordinary anymore and I think I’ll be happy to remember them.
Which brings us to bathtime. I’m actually a bit lazy when it comes to baths & usually just let the kids wash off quickly in the shower most of the time, but since Kaden’s begun playing sports baths have become a more regular part of our routine. We come home & fill up the tub with bubbles & let him & Alia soak and play. We listen to classical music (usually The Nutcracker) & I blow bubbles for them until my head feels dizzy and then move on to journaling or Pinteresting while they squirt their little water toys and pour water over their heads (& each others, and the floor) & it lasts maybe an hour (they’re never ready to get out) and we all really enjoy it.
This last time we listened to “Classical Music for Children” or something on Spotify and afterwards Kaden asked me “Why did we not listen to the Nutcracker?” He’s very interested in that Mouse King after I mentioned something about him. I’m planning to take the kids to see the ballet this year & we’re excited already. I can never make it through October without getting into the Christmas mood… 🙂
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