A Birthday for Two
Kaden had such a magical day. Before falling asleep last night, I wrote in my journal all the little memories about his day that I don’t want to forget.
Here’s a (large) handful of them to share ๐
Kaden waking up, seeing the blue balloon he requested for his birthday (like Pooh Bear’s), & silently crawling out of bed to get it. How happy he was to have it.
Seeing paper streamers decorating the door, and wanting to go out to the living room so bad while waiting for dad to get Nana & Papa ready with the video camera.
Wanting to wear his C3P0 & R2D2 shirt.
Noticing all his birthday decorations, and screaming for joy when he saw the 47 balloons.
How happy and proud and cautious he was when he finally saw his drums.
How to loved to play, and pause for cheers ๐
Banana muffins with a birthday candle.
More drums.
Sharing a package of blueberries while snuggling on the couch.
Not wanting to take any breaks to sit on the potty.
Showing him the card I drew. His responses “Max! And grew…” Lots of smiles ๐
Spotting his presents and immediately starting to open them.
Thinking his muppet figurines should be a puzzle with their plastic packaging. Having so much fun with it that he didn’t want to open anymore presents.
Excitedly showing Mimi & “Hacey” his drums, more waiting for applause, & showing off all his “Happy Birthday to You” signs.
Laying down for a nap after much procrastination around 1:15, & falling asleep immediately (with mommy following closely after.)
Waking up around 3:15, attempting to wake Kaden several times by singing Happy Birthday to him, only to be met by an eye peek and/or a smile, & then roll over & go back to sleep.
Finally reminding him of his drums, which got him up with speed.
Prying him off the drum set to go to his birthday party, where the family was eagerly awaiting & texting about his arrival.
Running excitedly into “Mimi House!” and stopping to exclaim “happy birthday to you!” for the signs.
His wonder & disbelief as he saw the giant bounce ship in the backyard.
Happy joy as he got to play and explore in it.
Spotting his pile of presents, exclaiming “Oh! Happy Birthday!”, grabbing his gift from Roo & tearing into it.
Prompting everyone to come in the living room & watch the extensive process of opening and admiring each gift.
How he loved looking at his birthday cards & spotting all his favorite things.
Yummy Publix sub platter for dinner. Kaden wanting blueberries, watermelon, more strawbabies, more hummus and pita bread. And “Water. No almond milk too.”
Playing with K in the bounce.
Him loving his water play station without the water.
K coming in from outside each time completely flushed with red rosy cheeks.
Cupcake time.
Kaden being so happy & proud as all his family sang to him.
Blowing out his own candles.
More playing.
Being too tired to dance to his favorite songs.
Pausing at 9:01 p.m. to tell Kaden that he is officially two now, & I’m so happy he was born.
Kaden not wanting to leave Mimi’s house, but giving in to go play more drums.
Looking through all of our pictures from the day.
Snuggling Kaden in bed & talking about how fun his day was.
Whispering how much I love him as he slept wrapped up in my arms.
Thinking how amazing this day was today, & two years ago.
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Nancy Chavis
May 23, 2012 at 12:33 pmHappy Birthday Kaden! It looks like he had a very exciting day!