Holidays, Natural Parenting

gJingle & a double giveaway!

DSC_0822I’ve got some holiday fun for you today! I’m doing a giveaway from two of my favorite companies, gDiapers & Hazelaid! Read to the bottom to enter 🙂 DSC_0857gJingle diaper & legwarmers are available as of today. DSC_0524 DSC_0545My babies have worn Hazelaid Baltic Amber since they started teething around 3 months old (they work when the body absorbs succinic acid from the amber, not for chewing on.) It really has made a significant, noticeable difference for teething pain relief. Hazelaid has an array of products for both children and adults for ailments including eczema, headaches, heartburn, pain relief, & more. You can read about how their family business started here, more about how Baltic Amber works here and Hazelwood here. I love the necklaces on my babes because they’re natural, it works, and it’s cute 🙂DSC_0504DSC_0984DSC_0888We had a party to go to later in the evening so we dressed up our gJingle with a few things we had around the house and it made this cute little holiday outfit!DSC_0029DSC_0055 - Version 2DSC_0092


One winner will receive a gJingle diaper, gJingle legwarmers, a package of disposable diaper inserts, and a $40 giftcard to Hazelaid! Wow!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

DSC_0123Good luck!



  1. Lex

    November 14, 2013 at 1:32 pm

    Love the gDiaper with the tutu! Too cute!

  2. Beth Rees

    November 14, 2013 at 6:06 pm

    blog lovin name : bethanyr333, Beth R

  3. Jennifer

    November 15, 2013 at 11:12 am

    So cute!!

  4. Halsey J.

    March 28, 2018 at 5:20 am

    I love that tutu! It looks so cute! And that Amber necklace on your cutiepie! She looked adorable in these photos!

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