Holidays, Life

Christmas babies

Babies in pajamas. From their matching striped pjs to big kid jammies, I just love them. But nothing can top the pure wholesome goodness of a classic Christmas jammie.

DSC_0180 DSC_0162In keeping with tradition, we decorated early.DSC_0664The kids ornaments for the year. Chip & Dale for Kaden, & Rapunzel’s shoe for the little girl who loves shoes.DSC_0658DSC_0660DSC_0114I love the sparkle of Christmas lights in my babies’ eyes.DSC_0136DSC_0196DSC_0216DSC_0223A couple days of scratchy/sore throats has taught K to appreciate a nice morning cup of tea. It’s cozy.DSC_0767 DSC_0795 DSC_0793 DSC_0769Happy Monday!


  1. Lex

    November 20, 2013 at 5:15 pm

    My little guy got some hand-me-down Christmas jammies a few weeks ago, and they look just like those. 🙂 He’s growing so fast, I hope hope hope they still fit by Christmas!

  2. Katelyn Heather

    December 16, 2013 at 9:35 am

    Alia’s were hand-me-down too, so I got K a matching pair from Hanna Andersson. They are amazingly soft!

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