A swing set
Back when we lived in Minnesota, we had the most wonderful yard with the perfect swing set. From the time we got it when I was about 5 until we sold our house I was 18 it was one of my favorite places in the world. Besides our friends and family, it was probably what I missed the most once we moved to Florida.
This afternoon when we went over to Mimi’s house, Papa told Kaden there was a surprise for him. When we went out to the backyard, he found this lovely swing set! Kaden was very excited. I was too – I think the kiddos will have a lot of fun times on their own little playground.
It even has a little spot for picnics!
Or dancing…Little Babealia loves to swing – she kept laughing each time they swang forward.
Otherwise, things have been nice & Christmasy around here. This little squirt learned to roll about a week ago, & now she’s the queen of self-imposed tummy time. The first time she did it she was trying to get under the Christmas tree. Now as soon as you lay her on her back, she flips. And then she gets stuck on her tummy, which she’d rather not talk about…Look at that little face? How can one person be so sweet and such a stinker all at once? I’ve been told that’s two 🙂
We’ve been enjoying our baking. (And isn’t it fun to wear an apron? Especially when it’s Christmasy 🙂
And Kaden especially enjoys the eating. Gingersnaps are his favorite. We made a different kind last week & we sat down to eat some & he told me “Well, I like gingersnaps.”
Watching some cartoons & sewing.
This is the project I mentioned a few weeks ago in the works…
And here he is all done! It only took me 3 days, which may qualify as a Christmas miracle. I want to make Alia something as well & was looking at a mermaid pattern on my phone today. Kaden started flipping through my photos & found this picture. He told me “Or you could make me this one?” So I guess he’ll like it 🙂
I love how she still looks so tiny in her sling.
Gosh I love her.
Hope you are very much enjoying the holiday season!
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