We set sail Sunday on a fabulous 4-night Disney Cruise.
We went with my family & had a total party of 9. It was a blast ๐
Alia spent about 90% of her cruise in the sling. It’s her happy place ๐
I love how much he still looks like a baby when he sleeps.
Out of the many things Davis is, boring has never been one of them ๐
On the last night of our cruise one of the entertainment staff stopped Landon & asked if Kaden was the little boy in the newsie hat the first evening. Landon said yes & they informed him they’d dubbed him the most stylish kid onboard, & had looked forward to seeing his outfit each night ๐
Going to the show! (P.s. If you have little kids, I would advise that “Villains Tonight” is rather scary. Kaden & Landon did some exploring during the show that night, which was a much better option for a 2 year old.)ย
The Golden Mickeys however was very family friendly. I’d like to go on record as saying I did not take the following picture.ย Iย heard the announcement that said video & photography were prohibited. But isn’t it a great shot? ๐
Room service at midnight. You know, healthy stuff… like cheese pizza.
Isn’t Nassau pretty? This was a close enough view for us.
Kaden loved having a connecting balcony to Mimi & Pa’s room…
My dad was giving me a hard time for the 1,892 pictures I took on our trip. Well, I learned from the best (And this photo was from Clarissa’s – 3 Nikons at one table!)
Everytime we took the elevator Kaden would ask “is this the glass elevator?” Does it look like a glass elevator, Kaden? ๐
My dad ran his first 5K! Not my idea of vacation, but it’s cool!
They seriously sleep like this. I did not pose them.
Kaden got a super-fun light-up pirate glass.
Peppermint tea is the best accompaniment to a meal.
I asked Kaden what Tinkerbell said to him later: “What’s your name?” “Kaden.” “What’s that?” “Baby Tayyyden.”
He told me later that seeing Tinkerbell was his favorite part of the day ๐
Action shot. Don’t see any action? Well, Alia’s diaper exploded all over Faith’s dress as this photo was taken.
Kaden was so thoroughly pleased with his giant bowl of blueberries. Well, until it was empty. Then he wanted another. And another.
This was one of those magical Disney moments. You know, like when your eyes tear up & you feel like “is this real life?” It didn’t happen much before I was a mom, & I could do without the tears part, but it is magical.
We went to a character dance party (Kadenย lovesย dance parties), & he got to dance with Chip & Dale, & Goofy & Pluto. It just reminded me of something out of the Disney World Sing-a-Longs I used to watch when I was a little girl & dream of going to Disney World. To watch him have so much fun. It was magic. Magic.
Kaden gets tired during dance parities, and says he is “resting”. He is pretty good about choosing the slow, less exciting parts of songs to take his breaks ๐
Surprise from Daddy when he woke up from nap.
Kaden’s routine in Mimi & Pa’s room: walk in, open the fridge, yell “where is my fruit?!”
All hanging out on the last night of our cruise, not wanting it to end.
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December 7, 2012 at 8:20 amRobert and I loved seeing your crusin photos. Looks like you had a wonderful time. Wish we lived closer so we could get to know you guys better.
Katelyn Perkins
December 7, 2012 at 5:28 pm๐ Thanks Aunt Becky!