Family Tree Wall
The kids and I put up together a family tree wall this week and I really love it. I’ve had the idea floating around my head for the past two or three years and am really happy with how it turned out!
To make it I used:
- this tree decal from amazon
- 4×6 clip frames from Michaels
- photos, hammer, & nails
First we assembled the tree. I like that I could order a second decal set in the future & add more branches when we find more photos to add.
We arranged the frames how we wanted them on the floor, and then started hanging them on the tree.
I asked K who the man on the left is and he thought it was his uncle “D” (it’s actually our great-great grandfather – but there is a resemblance!)
He thought the photo of Landon as a little boy was a picture of himself too 🙂
Something about seeing my ancestors makes me feel really present, and gives me a good perspective on life. That it’s a gift. That it’s temporary. That the good stuff should be enjoyed, and let the bad stuff go. And then I feel different while I’m rocking the baby, putting away the laundry, or doing the dishes. Looking at everything from that point of view it really does all feel like a gift.
And it simultaneously makes me feel really big and really small. Like who am I out of the thousands of people who came before me, I’m just really no big deal. But then at the same time, the love of all these people whose lives are gone now went into making me and I’m alive now and what am I’m going to do with it? Because it’s temporary and precious and such a gift. Anyway, I like it.
I like to think about all the mothers before me too. As I was getting the babies to sleep last night, with Kaden laying on one arm & Alia cuddling her “Good Good” teddy bear & nursing on the other, I wondered how many women in my family tree have cuddled their babies holding a teddy bear as they fell asleep. It’s such a precious thing. And it all just really makes me want to love. Because one day all that will be left of me is the love I shared. And I want to be sure I did it with all I could.
So there it is, our family tree!
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My Happiest Place: A Family Tree Wall - The Happiest Home — The Happiest Home
July 18, 2014 at 2:52 pm[…] Be sure to visit Katelyn online and check out her DIY tutorial for the family tree wall at, and thanks so much to Wayfair for providing her with a $50 gift […]