Hello blog friends! This has been a crazy month. Mostly good, a little bad. The bad is the cold I’ve had for nearly 4 weeks straight now. It’s terrible. And it’s not a debilitating sort of flu, just enough of a cough/sore throat/sinus ick to make you feel really tired and blah all the time. I think I’m nearly over it now, although I’ve thought that before (it has been four weeks, after all!)
So for the good! We moved! (and if you’re thinking didn’t you just move last year? Yes, yes we did. And the one before that too.) It was very up in the air, in the way leases and rentals can be, but we moved to our first house (not a condo or apartment) at the beginning of this month. And this time we have a two year lease! We are really, really loving it. Almost every day I feel like, is this a dream? But so far it’s not, and I’ll take it.The living room windows face the backyard(!) and these beautiful woods. I call them the Enchanted Forest (of course!)
There are a lot of favorite things about our new home, but one is definitely, definitely my piano. When we looked at the house there’s this little nook right by the staircase, literally the perfect size for a piano. I saw it and told Landon I had to have one. So I found this beautiful instrument on Craigslist, got a phenomenal deal on it, and am really happy beyond words about it. Alia & I play it every day and now I just don’t know what I would do without it.
A couple more house pictures…
Hope all is well wherever you are!
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