Belly Update: Week 28
It feels crazy to think baby is 28 weeks along already! Just 12 more to go (give or take a few), which is so exciting! Here’s what baby & I have been up to lately…
She is super active. I read in a pregnancy book last week that at 28 weeks babies are typically awake 10% of the day & sleep 90%. I’m fairly certain she has those numbers reversed I love feeling her kick around though, it’s such an amazing experience, and something I’ll definitely remember forever.
Had my gestational diabetes test at my midwife apt last week, which came back great. My iron however was not so great – actually she commented that she’s surprised I can even function with the level it’s at So we’re back on Floradix (which I took my whole pregnancy with Kaden.) Thankfully it works well & doesn’t taste bad, & hopefully will help with the dizziness I get whenever standing soon!
Have been adding more to my Belly Book each week. It’s fun & exciting to see how it’s filling up Also love looking at it next to Kaden’s & comparing what we were doing at each point last time. (p.s. if you are pregnant, you need a Belly Book! They are so much fun, & such an memorable keepsake.)
We made some room & put all of baby’s clothes in a dresser drawer last week. I love opening the drawer to look at them & imagine her tiny body wearing them so soon!
And she needed a headband drawer too of course
We met with our birth photographer last week. I think it will be amazing to have photos of her first moments, so I’m really excited about it!
Been contemplating what sort of lullabies I will sing her at midnight feedings & rockings. Traditional lullabies are fine (except maybe the one about baby falling out of a tree), but for whatever creative impulse, I enjoy singing other songs to my babies too. This one is my favorite right now. I think she will like it too (this one I sang to Kaden all the time. I like peaceful, soothing tunes when you’re up with a tiny, new person at 3 a.m.)
Still doing lots of cleaning & organizing while I can, & have been working on lots of lists that make me feel prepared (what we have for baby, need for baby – mostly baby clothes that aren’t blue with dogs, trucks, or trains – etc. I love my lists.)
And overall I’m really just enjoying being home and spending time with Kaden. I’m consciously reminding myself to enjoy it all, so to not look forward so much that I forget to savor this season of our life for all it’s worth too And it is good.
Hope you are having a wonderful week so far!
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Karen Perkins
June 5, 2012 at 5:40 pmI love that you have this blog! Its so neat keeping up with how baby and mommy are doing. Love you. <3