39 weeks
I snapped a few pictures of this baby bump Friday because I don’t know how much longer I will have it! Friday was also our first day just at home in forever, all our activities have been wrapping up this week before summer begins, which feels really great.
The kids had been taking daily swim lessons which have been awesome, 1 month ago neither of them would put their face in the water without holding their nose & now they both can swim across the pool. But it feels like a huge relief now to have everything pause for summer & we can just stay home – I’m such a homebody those are my favorite kind of days. I’m not sure if the kids will agree, they’ve gotten pretty used to all the running around, but we’ll see π
I’ve still been feeling well – lots of Braxton Hicks, but that’s been the case for the past 2 months, so nothing new there.
Last year I had a miscarriage the day before Mother’s Day, and this year we’re expecting a baby any day. It’s exciting and really happy. It also feels a little scary, having a baby after a loss. With my first two everything went perfectly for the most part, and I kind of just took that for granted, like this is how it goes & it’s all good. Now it’s like since I have a personal experience that things can go wrong, that possibility feels more real or scary. But I know that fear does not come from God, that perfect love casts out fear, and that I have no need to fear because He is with me. So I’m working on choosing faith over the fear.
The kids are really looking forward to meeting their baby brother or sister. Of course Kaden is convinced it’s a boy and Alia is sure it’s a girl. I’ve told them plenty of times that one of them is going to be right, and I hope the other gets over it real fast π They ask me every day, when is the baby going to be born? And I tell them babies just come whenever they’re ready, but ours will probably come sometime this month π
My blood test results came back good, so I was happy about that! I guess all the Floradix & beef liver are paying off.
And we have just about everything ready for baby – I’ve set aside his or her first outfit, have a pack of newborn diapers ready to go, and my “birth kit” is in the closet. If I were to guess I think I’ve got a week or so left, but Alia came a little early & Kaden was 2 weeks late, so I’ve learned not to put too much stock in “due dates”.
Landon can’t wait to meet this baby too. I made a little “honey-do” list of things I’d like him to do before the baby is born (like some touch up paint here & there, etc.) so when he says to me “why isn’t the baby here yet?“, I just tell him “well, you haven’t finished my list…” π (Kind of joking, but Alia was born the day after he finished my “before baby” list for her!)
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