I turned twenty four yesterday. Most of the time I like a nice mall day on my birthday, but since Kaden & shopping don’t mesh very well at this stage, I hoped to find something we could enjoy together π
Birthday Memories…
My first card from Kaden. I told him it was the best birthday card I’ve ever got.
My view getting ready for the day.
Reading sister her favorite book.
Cards & flowers. I’d thought birthday flowers would be nice, & almost bought a bouquet at the store the day before but didn’t. Then my family brought orchids over, & Landon’s family sent me tulips later π
“You’re my sweetheart…“
“Is this a rectangle?”
After a frigid weekend (for Florida), it was finally nice enough for a pool day π
Kaden’s favorite part of the pool was probably the outdoor shower. He would clasp his hands together & grit his teeth in excitement and anticipation before Faithy would turn it on & then he’d beg her to do it again. He was also thoroughly entertained with eating his banana “puffs”.
Ready for her first swim!
She liked it π
Landon made a neoprene case for my camera lens. He’s crafty like that π
Dressing for dinner.
A little mall time.
K playing at the fountain with Pa. He attracted a little audience too π
Shopping with my siblings <3
We got the perfect circle corner booth at the Cheesecake Factory. The lighting was entirely too dark to take pictures without flash, so I’m compensating with the black & white filters now π
Waiting for everyone to finish.
My buddy.
Eyeing the “strawbabies”.
On pink frosting,Β sans artificial color, round 2.
He loves to help open presents.
I love the fun, whimsical look π
Birthday bedtime snuggles <3
Thank you everyone for all the sweet birthday wishes!Β
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