this year, so far
Hi blog! It’s been awhile! I’ve been wrapped up in a lot of projects, which although time consuming, have been pretty fun. At the end of last year I decided I wasn’t going to import any photos into Aperture in 2014, that I was going to switch over to Lightroom. And I was engulfed in my recap video for 2013 (1 hour of videos & photos put to music to recap our year. It takes some time but once it’s done I love having it) & Shutterfly book for 2013 before I got around to learning Lightroom. About a week ago I went through the Photography Concentrate tutorial, which was absolutely fantastic, and now I’m editing in Lightroom! I really love it. I feel like knowing the tools available really allows me to bring out the best of each image (when given enough time to sit down & edit…)
So to recap this year! It feels a little crazy that February is nearly over already. Time is weird. This year has been good so far. Very full, but of fun, good things. I’ve decided to myself that this is my “year for adventures”. Which sounds a little grandiose, but what I’m really thinking is that while I don’t have a newborn & I’m not expecting one I want to do some things that are more difficult in the seasons that I do. Nothing too crazy. Learn some new things like Lightroom, read some books, get out and go to Disney or the beach, maybe take a trip, take care of some stuff I’ve been putting off like getting my wisdom teeth out… these are adventures for my introverted self 😉
So without further ado, some of the highlights of our year, so far.
Faith turned 17.Kaden learned to play Uno.
We visited Grandma Fish’s.
Watched cheerleading at Disney.
Celebrated Valentine’s Day.
Got a bunch of books (there is no greater gift) & had the family over for my birthday.
Davis turned 23.
and the weather is finally warming up enough to get out some water toys! Nothing like springtime in February 🙂
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February 26, 2014 at 1:40 pmGreat! Love the picture of Landon!
Angela VanNostrand
February 26, 2014 at 4:38 pmBeautiful!