Sweet Home Minnesota
We are in Minnesota! It is such a happy place. We’ve been getting our fill our Bruegger’s Bagels, Caribou Coffee, the Mall of America, & most of all the wonderful people here.At the Miller’s. I wondered to myself on our flight to Minnesota when this will cease to feel like coming home. It’s been seven years since I’ve actually lived here. But I think as long as our friends and family are here, it may just stay the same.
This week we are here for a wedding.
Alia is mesmerizing.
The bride & groom.
I used to babysit this girl. How is she getting married already?
I got to play a real piano. It’s been too long.
Things are so pretty here.
Minnesota summer is magnificent. Except the mosquitos. I’d forgotten about those.
Alia loves jewelry. We went in Francesca’s at the mall yesterday and she just lost it because I wouldn’t let her hold all the pretty necklaces.
Going to a wedding this evening – can’t wait 🙂
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