scenes from summer
I feel like summer barely started, and now here we are in August! On one hand we are really looking forward to cooler weather coming this fall, but on the other so enjoying the relaxed lazy pace of summer days. Here’s some scenes from our house lately…
Avocado dinner. Leo likes to feed himself. He always eats with his left hand too, maybe have another lefty??
Brothers. These two are the best pals. It’s been fun watching brothers develop. I’ve never seen brothers first hand, as my family had 3 girls & 1 boy. K & Leo love to wrestle. Leo is obsessed with Nerf guns already (at one?!?) I’m glad these two boys have each other.
First sewing project! The kids have been asking to learn to sew for a long time, finally got around to it during Leo’s naptime the other week.
Summers are for reading.
When the playroom is clean, it feels worthy of documenting in a photo.
I will never get tired of sweet sleeping baby photos.
Leo is a banana fanatic. When he spots them on the kitchen counter he screams “banana!” and starts pointing & frantically signing “more”.
Kaden made our family out of Lego mini figures, & found a Lego camera for “mom”. He cracks me up.
Leo is normally the happiest baby, unless he finds the plastic toy bananas at Mimi’s house, which make him think of real bananas, which makes him very upset if he isn’t currently eating one.
Back to smiles.
Alia’s asked to start making her own PB&J’s. She thinks it’s lots of fun. They end up very heavy on the J.
Getting these two to quit telling stories and go to sleep can be a challenge sometimes. I don’t really mind though, because making up songs & giggling about stories is worth more than an hour of sleep sometimes.
Just before a storm sometimes it’s cool enough to head out to the backyard for half an hour before the rain starts.
It’s Leo’s favorite place to be ❤️
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