
more from the midwest

20150921-DSC_9912After waiting all his life, Kaden finally got to visit Waukon’s famous rocket ship park! Both of the kids greatly enjoyed themselves. Clarissa and I noticed how this park was way more fun than our parks in Florida, and way less child-proof.
20150921-DSC_9873 20150921-DSC_9899I have so many nice memories of my Grandpa taking us to this park & playing with my brother and sisters & me, it was so fun to bring my kids here where we used to play, and my parents & their siblings played as children too.
20150921-DSC_9911 20150921-DSC_9920 20150921-DSC_9933In the afternoon we got to visit my (great) Aunt Joyce’s house & garden. The kids helped dig up potatoes, pick carrots, and ate some “ground cherries”. They were very impressed with it all.20150921-DSC_994720150921-DSC_996720150921-DSC_995820150921-DSC_997320150921-DSC_997420150921-DSC_997620150921-DSC_998120150921-DSC_9998It was so fun to be in my great-grandparents’ old house, where my Grandpa and his siblings grew up, just knowing how many stories and memories happened in that place.20150921-DSC_000420150921-DSC_0017We heard about how my Grandpa’s brother climbed this tree one morning long ago, & stayed up there for the rest of the day to keep from going to school.20150921-DSC_0025“Pretty Boy”.20150921-DSC_0030Strolling downtown Waukon.20150922-DSC_004620150922-DSC_003220150922-DSC_0059On our way up to the cities yesterday we made a return visit to the Rask farm. It feels like magic to be there. All the history, the generations of this branch of our family who lived there. I loved it.20150922-DSC_006320150922-DSC_008320150922-DSC_009220150922-DSC_010220150922-DSC_011020150922-DSC_0117And we finished the evening visiting with some of our favorite friends.20150922-DSC_015020150922-DSC_013620150922-DSC_015720150922-DSC_015920150922-DSC_013320150922-DSC_0191

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