Making a Home
There is a field near our house where we took the kids to play today. Going there reminds me of the very first time we went, about a month before we moved to our new home. It was a hot, sticky summer evening almost at sunset. We sat on a bench, ran around with Kaden, listened to a baseball game on Landon’s iPhone, and talked about how excited we were for our upcoming move, and our baby girl coming, daydreaming about how wonderful it all would be.
I also think of the other times we’ve been there since, like our picnic with “pie!” one crisp afternoon last fall.
And then today. We blew bubbles, chased Bella, laughed and played.
watch out bubbles, I’ve got a stick!
It’s memories like these that make a place feel like home. The more we make here, the more this place becomes “ours”.
And maybe one day when we no longer live here, we’ll drive by and I’ll think of these moments, see these pictures in my head, and remember. And smile 🙂
Hope you have a fabulous week.
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