How to Blog (or not)
I’ve been thinking a lot about blogging lately- topics, ideas, elements, & other pieces that make it all come together. I used to write for the Examiner, which was a nice way to get some published writing experience, but to be completely honest I don’t especially like people telling me how to write. The enjoyable part of creative writing for me is being creative. I think what I’m really trying to do in my mind is establish a niche, & get into a groove with The Thinking Mom. Thus far I’ve mostly written in a personal, but informational style, which is one of my primary goals, to share information. But sometimes I feel like sharing random, personal stuff just for fun. Is that ok? Or does that make me off topic? Would it be fun for readers, or confusing as to what the purpose of my blog really is? I don’t know, & that’s what I’ve been mentally debating with myself for the past few weeks.
I don’t want to waste people’s time writing stuff no one’s interested in. But I want to write. I suppose if people don’t like it there’s no one forcing them to read. But I also want to be relevant….
Well those are my thoughts lately.
What do you think? Would you rather read straight health information, or is the whole purpose of a blog to share your life too? Does that add or subtract from the mission of a blog? Would love to hear your thoughts.
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June 22, 2011 at 1:28 pmIt seams to me that in a blog, some personal sharing is completely acceptable. It’s your blog, and sometimes your readers need to know and appreciate YOU… the writer behind the words.