Green Meadows
We went to Green Meadows today! It was really fun. And soooo muddy, but you know, babies don’t really care.
They really enjoyed the train ride, K milked the cow again (Alia wanted to but made a quick last minute decision against it), holding the baby chicks and ducks (they were so cute! And soft!) Kaden was just beside himself with happiness. Alia was much more into everything than last year too.
They both rode horses but Alia’s refused to walk anymore about half way round the circle so Alex had to carry her back. Her horse was especially cute just unfortunately not very cooperative.
On the train.
He really enjoyed this (if his face didn’t tell you already.)
We caught ducks and chickens. K had a little help with the ducks but managed to pick up a few chickens all by himself. Alia pet some ducks other people caught, their feathers were incredibly soft.
Hayride! The only part of the day I regretted wearing shorts.
After the hayride they each got to pick a pumpkin and were so thrilled. Alia had been spotting the pile as we walked around throughout the tour and yelled “pumpkin! pumpkin!” each time so she was very happy to finally get to pick one out. She chose a cute little one. Kaden took his time making the perfect selection.
This one’s for my Grandpa. Kaden picked the John Deere out of the many available tractors to sit on for a photo, and I know he’d be pleased 🙂
(2012: do you see that baby in the sling?! And little Kaden?! Uh!!!)
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