February on the iPhone
We’ve been reading Laura Ingalls Wilder’s Farmer Boy and Kaden & I are really loving it – it’s our first chapter book & has been a lot of fun! Alia likes it too, but usually falls asleep midway. Also, I recently read that you can visit the real farm Almanzo grew up on – how cool it that?! It’s on our list now 🙂
Alia making Valentines.
This soup is incredible. Tastes amazing, & super healthy (but seriously so tasty – everyone in my family loves it!)
Dress shopping!Landon built us a playset – here’s proof that Kaden & Alia helped 😉
Been starting to pick up just a few gender-neutral things here & there for baby – he or she is due in 11 weeks! We’re having a surprise this time, which I’m excited about. It’s weird not knowing if baby is a boy or a girl after knowing with the last two, but it’s a fun and unique experience!
Out for a sushi date with K while Landon & Alia were at the Father Daughter dance. Kaden loooves sushi!
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