Belly Update: Week 18
We had our first (& only) ultrasound today! Although we would be truly very happy with a healthy, growing baby regardless of the gender, I am very excited to share with you that we are having a little girl!
(The ultrasound technician said she is 90% sure & doesn’t like to say 100% until 24 weeks. Landon says now that means he is now 100% sure & I am 50% sure 😉
She also said baby is about 7 oz. right now & is probably due around August 25.
This was the very first image we saw of baby. My immediate thought was how pretty she looked, and maybe it would be a girl… 🙂
I am now having strong temptations to go buy headbands, bows, ruffle diaper covers, tights, pink dresses, leg warmers, baby dolls, & fabulous things like that.
General pregnancy things are going well. I still get dizzy a couple days a week but it’s manageable. I feel like I’ve been nesting already too which is a bit early, but a combination of spring cleaning plus the feeling that if I don’t start organizing everything now it’s not going to get done before the baby comes has led me to go through every drawer, closet, and shelf in our house. It can be a little tiresome but it’s SO nice to have done. And organized space feels so much more functional & comfortable.
Electric wheelchairs with shopping baskets come in very handy when you’re dizzy at the grocery store.
Kaden is a very happy little almost-2-year-old. He’s enjoying the start of baseball season as much as his daddy, & likes to watch the batters hit – asks for “more hit?” every time. His auntie Faith showed him how to hit a wiffle ball too, & he’s obsessed.
When we ask him what’s in mommy’s tummy he says “bigger bigger born”. We told him there is a baby who’s going to get bigger and bigger and then will be born 🙂
Hope the rest of your week is wonderful!
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Karen Perkins
March 21, 2012 at 4:24 pmThis so sweet! I caught myself looking at pink baby things yesterday at Belks. So excited! Love you!