Baby #4
This is my first pregnancy that we’ve done maternity photos with a photographer! I wanted to share a little about this pregnancy, along with some of my favorite shots (courtesy of Erin Miller Photography.) What I really wanted were photos around our home that look like our phase of life right now – I love the way they turned out 🙂
The second half of this pregnancy has been pretty easy – the first half I always feel so awful, just exhausted and constantly nauseated, but I’ve been pretty good since about 16 weeks this time (took 20 weeks with Kaden, but more like 11 with Leo and Alia.)
I started my iron supplement (Floradix) as soon as I found out I was pregnant this time, and I think that made a huge difference there! My iron’s been way better than any other time (over 11, each time before has gotten down to 8), I think getting a jump start on keeping it up, rather than waiting til it got low to start supplementing, made a huge difference. And I’ve felt so better too – I can stand up and function, and don’t need to drive the little motorized shopping carts around when we’re out at the grocery store 😉
We’ve been enjoying getting baby’s changing table area ready – she’ll sleep in our room, so I have fun making a special space for baby this way 🙂 Hers is very sweet and will share once she’s here!
It’s also been so fun getting out all of the sweet little things Alia used to wear. She and I are both so excited to have another little girl to dress up in them!
I’ve been doing “spinning babies” for the first time, am curious to see if it seems to help much in labor! Also have been seeing my chiropractor once a week for the 3rd trimester, per my midwife’s recommendation, and walking a mile a day, most days.
For my fourth, I feel like I’m up for trying anything that may hopefully make labor easier or more efficient. We’ll see how it goes!
I got a birth pool like I used when Leo was born, I loved that so much, definitely want it as an option this time around (although I don’t feel like you really know what you’ll when when you’re in labor until you’re actually there.)
I’ve also been drinking coconut water regularly – this is the first time I’ve had any swelling in pregnancy, it’s minor and I just notice it a little in my hands, but my midwife suggested coconut water because the swelling can be from the weather and low electrolytes, and it does help! Harmless is my favorite brand (I just wish it was a bit more economical.)
This baby girl is super active. The kids all love asking me “is she moving around?” and feeling her little kicks and wiggles and hiccups. She’s usually on the left side of my belly, with her little feet sticking out on the right side. It’s such an incredible feeling, to know she’s living in me right now, and will be with us so soon!
I am soaking up this last phase of pregnancy, it’s definitely a feeling I want to remember forever <3
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