Valentine’s Day
We had a really fun Valentine’s Day. With donuts and dancing and Ed Sheeran and long naps and lots of cards and family and hearts and giggles and cuddles. It was really nice.
The kids got their little presents from Daddy when they first got up and were jumping up and down excited about them. They played with their new Legos while daddy made their heart shaped breakfast sandwiches.
I got Landon a glass tumbler he’s been wanting from Sbux & pb cups (his favorite). He got me Ed Sheeran’s new cd, and it is really good. I knew Thinking Out Loud was good, but the rest is fantastic too. Have you heard Afire Love? It’s about his grandfather with Alzheimer’s and is one of the sweetest love songs/stories, and great music too. Ed Sheeran is my new favorite.
Kaden picked out these flowers for me and Alia at the store. He said he chose them because they would match her nightgown <3
Mommy & Daddy’s breakfast. We only buy donuts once a year, and it’s for Valentine’s Day. They were pretty good.
The deer stopped by to say hello.
The babies went to play at Mimi & Papa’s while Landon & I went out to lunch.
After Alia and I napped the whole afternoon, the kids got the puzzles I picked out for them. (Daddy always buys them toys, I always buy them educational stuff. But it’s so fun!) These puzzles (boy / girl) are so cool! Kaden & Alia have done them at least 10 times already.
Then the family came over after dinner for dessert.
Whenever a good song comes on it’s either “dance party!” or they run to get the little guitar and play along.
I made these chocolate lava cakes. The Pioneer Woman has never let me down.
And shortbread cookies/berries for the babes.
Landon made Alia the little “Fly to the Moon” card. It’s from a song he wrote about & sings to her and all day yesterday she was hollering it out, “FLYYYYYYYY to the moooooon.”
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