Trick or Treat!
Fall is my favorite, here are some photos of our happy halloween 🙂
Pumpkin carving with the family! Alia wanted hers to look like “Pumpkin Moonshine“.  Little Sylvie Ann’s Grandpawp in the book didn’t have the advantage of power tools to help him out 😉
I wanted to carve one like The Fierce Yellow Pumpkin – we found this book at the library, & liked it enough we plan to buy our own copy next year. The kids love it because it’s about 2 brothers & a sister who carve a pumpkin (so naturally they imagine it’s themselves in the future.)
Leo’s first costume of the day, from Kaden’s first Halloween.
K got up before anyone else & decorated the house with homemade pumpkins, ghosts, & bats.
Our little lion man!
The fur was so strange to him, he was sticking his tongue out all night to feel it.
Ready to Trick or Treat! (On a side note, I’ve realized I don’t get as many photos of K sometime, because he’s typically 10 steps ahead of me & never stops moving 😉Â
Back home for “the big halloween party” (as they say in The Great Pumpkin.) Kaden insisted we bob for apples, which he & Alia found to be more challenging than they anticipated.
Happy Fall!
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