
the holiday season

Now that Thanksgiving is complete & we can really dive into Christmas, it really is the most wonderful time of the year.

My favorites are baking treats, Christmas jammies on my babies, Christmas music all day long, Christmas books to cuddle up & read, twinkly lights all over our house. It’s so much fun.20161114-DSC_8483 20161117-DSC_8600 20161120-DSC_9126 20161121-DSC_9163 20161121-DSC_9140 20161121-DSC_9143 20161124-DSC_9330 I can never get enough of Thanksgiving leftovers.20161125-DSC_965320161125-DSC_9666 20161124-DSC_932020161123-DSC_920420161123-DSC_922720161123-DSC_9209Forget turducken – this is the perfect combo for me.

This week we made a paper chain to count down the days left until Christmas. The past couple years we’d gotten K a Lego advent calendar & last year we got Alia a Barbie one too, but this year I really want our focus to be less about the “stuff” we’re getting. We already have so much stuff, and there’s plenty of joy in the Christmas season without getting more of it. So I told them about how when I was a kid my brother and sisters and I made a paper chain to count down the days. They liked the idea & have been enjoying taking turns ripping off a chain each day.

20161203-DSC_0963We’re also doing this advent reading plan & have been in Isaiah & Jeremiah so far, which has been fun. Awhile ago at church they gave a statistic from Dr. Peter Stoner that the probability of someone fulfilling just 8 of the best known prophecies from the Old Testament concerning the Messiah – such as the place he’d be born, the way he would die – was 1 in 100 quadrillion. It’s been fun to think about the anticipation of his coming throughout the centuries before Christ’s birth while doing our reading.20161205-DSC_121120161203-DSC_097020161203-DSC_098320161204-DSC_106920161204-DSC_106820161204-DSC_116120161204-DSC_107720161204-DSC_114220161204-DSC_116620161127-DSC_0018


  1. Becky

    December 6, 2016 at 8:13 pm

    ❤️❤️❤️ Since we don’t get to visit much I love that you share photos of your family activities on your blog.

  2. Katelyn

    December 8, 2016 at 10:59 am

    Thanks, Aunt Becky 🙂 Wish we lived closer & could see more of you & Robert in person! ❤️

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