

Hope you had a very happy thanksgiving with your family & friends! We are in Virginia staying with Landon’s parents & had such a nice time.

DSC_0415This year I was especially thankful to Landon who did all my grocery shopping while I was in bed puking. Then he made cranberry sauce, green bean casserole, sweet potatoes, mashed potatoes, & stuffing!DSC_0420Her “pick me up” face. It’s so cute I have to snap a picture before I obey πŸ˜‰DSC_0419DSC_0430Waiting to see Santa!DSC_0446I was happy to feel better enough to do a little cooking.DSC_0459DSC_0473 DSC_0505DSC_0510 Kaden with his great-grandmother.DSC_0515Nonnie’s such a good sport πŸ™‚DSC_0540 DSC_0554DSC_0569 DSC_0591 DSC_0586Kaden loves a good conversation.DSC_0595 DSC_0607DSC_0612DSC_0637She loves little chairs.DSC_0682 DSC_0717 DSC_0705DSC_0730 DSC_0756DSC_0759 Blowing out candles. From the moment they’re lit, he can’t wait.DSC_0767DSC_0771 DSC_0817 DSC_0804Kaden & aunt Nancy.DSC_0956 (1)Baby cousins in their Christmas jammies.DSC_0840 DSC_0875DSC_0893


  1. mamaknowswhat

    December 6, 2013 at 10:38 pm

    I love all the pictures. It was so nice having you all here. I hope y’all had as much fun as we did. Hopefully next we won’t be passing around the stomach bug πŸ™

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