

Some pictures of our Thanksgiving.

We had a fun & leisurely day filled with delicious food. It started with pumpkin bread for breakfast, coloring turkeys, & watching the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade, & ended up at Mimi’s for dinner, football, a few games, & a lot of lounging around.20161124-DSC_937320161124-DSC_940320161124-DSC_943120161124-DSC_943220161124-DSC_944020161124-DSC_944320161124-DSC_9454 20161124-DSC_9462 20161124-DSC_9467 20161124-DSC_9473 20161124-DSC_9492 20161124-DSC_9506 20161124-DSC_9508 20161124-DSC_9524 20161124-DSC_9531 20161124-DSC_9546 20161124-DSC_9566 20161124-DSC_9572 20161124-DSC_9579 20161124-DSC_9591 Jenga is so intense – when the game gets too hot, Alia needs coaxed to stay in.20161124-DSC_9596 20161124-DSC_960320161124-DSC_960420161124-DSC_9606 20161124-DSC_9629



  1. Becky

    December 2, 2016 at 8:13 am

    Love visiting with your family via photos. Beautiful people inside & out. Looks like you had a blessed Thanksgiving. Tell your Mama I love her house. I always wanted all white.

  2. Katelyn

    December 8, 2016 at 11:00 am

    You’re so kind ☺️ I told her 💗

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