
new year’s eve

Growing up in Minnesota, my parents always had a New Year’s Eve party at our house. All our friends would come over & we’d play games, eat good food, and countdown to midnight.DSC_0123-3

We had two families that were our best friends, who are so much more like family it’s kind of strange that they technically aren’t. One of our “family friends” are down on vacation this week, so we (my own little family) hosted our first New Year’s Eve party at our own home!

DSC_0133-2It was very fun, and felt just a little crazy. Kind of like when we had my childhood friend Vanessa & her husband over for dinner last year. Like I’m not playing house, this is my real house, and I have real kids, not baby dolls! Crazy.DSC_0098-2

We ate food and visited, while Kaden took everyone on tours of his playroom to show off the new Christmas toys.DSC_0115-3 DSC_0139-2DSC_0148-2DSC_0192-2DSC_0200DSC_0265

Alia, who’s usually a bit reserved with people, kept Nancy by her side all night and told me “I like Nancy” repeatedly. She’s a good judge of character πŸ˜‰
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We counted down to the new year at 9 pm cuz Alia told us she “need go bed” and when she says it she means it.DSC_0229DSC_0269-2

We toasted with sparkling cider & sang Auld Lang Syne around the piano. It was fun and festive, and I cracked up at how Reader’s Digest Christmas songbook said how “For most people, New Year’s Eve just isn’t complete without the singing of Auld Lang Syne.” I do not know anyone who has ever actually sang Auld Lang Syne on New Year’s Eve, but it’s a fun tradition so maybe we’ll stick to it!
(I had told the kids earlier we’d be doing that at the party so they were running around the house all day singing it. It was cute.)DSC_0296-4nye bw 2DSC_0186-2DSC_0257-3(not pictured: Landon, Clarissa, & Alex. They were all working πŸ™ But we’re happy they all have jobs that they love πŸ™‚

Hope you had a fun & safe celebration, and that you have a very happy new year!!!


  1. Becky Cook

    January 1, 2015 at 2:06 pm

    Thanks for sharing. I love the photo of Kaden and Alia dancing in front of the tree.

  2. mary Watkins

    January 1, 2015 at 9:04 pm

    Beautiful family. Miss you guys!

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