Kjersti’s 1st Birthday
Kjersti’s first birthday was so much fun 🙂
She spent the day opening & enjoying her gifts, and playing with family. She had a wonderful time.
Some of my favorite parts of the day were…
Watching her play peek a boo on her own for the first time (using her new “enchanted play silk”.)
Hearing her new words – “up” and “dog”. And watching her nod her little head “yes” so sweet.
How excited she is to see Papa and play with him.
Yummy snacks.
The way she hugs her bear so sweet.
The way all the pretty decorations we made came together.
All her cute new outfits.
Watching her play with the little peg dolls we made her.
Her cute little cake Daddy made.
I really enjoy planning birthdays, and there’s something especially wonderful about a first birthday.
I know they’re a little too young at one to fully grasp what it’s all about, but with the house looking special and different, fun gifts, and all the love from everyone, she was plenty big enough to understand that Kjersti Rae, you are a very loved little girl!
Here are some photos of her special day ❤️
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