Easter weekend
Easter weekend was really fun this year. This was our second year of giving the kids their baskets Saturday morning, and I really like our new tradition. It stretches out the holiday and lets us enjoy at a slower pace. This year the kids each got 6 books, plus some little toys, treats, & sunglasses. Kaden’s favorite is the Little Golden Book “A Day at the Seashore”, which we read as “Alia and Kaden went to the beach…” Alia’s favorite is “Baby Listens” and brings it to me to read it and in a really sweet voice says “baaaby”.
K got a Whole Foods chocolate bunny too. He thought it was a toy, but was rather pleased when he realized he could eat it 😉
Then we went to the town egg hunt. Kaden found a full basket of eggs. And he either didn’t notice or mind that we removed the candy from inside and gave it away to some older kids 🙂
They got their picture with the Easter bunny, which was cute. I thought Alia might mind, but she didn’t.
Sunday morning the kids found the eggs we’d colored earlier in the week. They looked so cute in their jammies and messy bed hair poking around the living room, getting so excited when they found one.
After a (really great!) church service we went to Mimi’s, and had another egg hunt. These had little toy animals in them, which was fun!
Later in the day we colored egg. Kaden really liked using markers & the shrink egg wrappers. And chose green for every one of the eggs he dyed.
I gave Alia a slightly cracked egg to color in case she dropped it, and she colored it for a bit, and then started peeling it. She peeled it until she had the hard boiled egg split in half with the yellow stuff all over her tray. Now every egg she gets ahold of she starts trying to peel.
We ended the day with Lady and the Tramp. Alia likes anything with “dogs!” & K liked it too, but whenever I ask him about it he says “I didn’t like the part when those dogs were in jail.”
Hope you had a Happy Easter!
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