morning musings
The other week Landon was in the hospital (he broke his hand & had to have surgery, but thankfully is recovering rapidly & well), so I made the kids chocolate chip pancakes for breakfast, just for a fun way to start the day. I snapped this picture before I sat down to eat, & I love the moment in it. All my babies.
Chocolate chip pancakes always remind me of mornings we spent at our friends, the Meyer’s, family farm in Iowa. We never made chocolate chip pancakes at our own house, and they always made them at theirs (when we were visiting anyways.) It was funny, when I told my sister I made them, she said the same thing, about it always reminding her of breakfast at the Meyer’s. I wonder what sort of memories from these days my kids will keep with them all their lives.
So many times I feel like the days are just flying by, one after the other. Like we wake up and before I know it, it’s bedtime again. Sometimes I worry if I’m making the most of my time with them, if I’m doing things the best I can. I just want to know one day when they’re grown that I made the most of it. So often I can get stressed out about little things that won’t matter in a week, much less 10 years. I’m trying to live with grace, for myself and everyone else.
Sometimes I look at how big Kaden & Alia are and can hardly believe it. It feels to me they should be about 4 & 2, but they’re 6 & 4, and next year they’ll be 7 & 5, which seems completely crazy.
I know I can’t freeze time, but I’d like to slow it down. I’ll let you know if I figure out how 😉
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