
Magic Kingdom

20150226-DSC_2492We went to Disney this week while Landon’s mom was in town. It was a really fun day!
20150226-DSC_2510 Alia thought it was so neat to sit in a teacup.20150226-DSC_2525 She wasn’t so sure about the Barnstormer.20150226-DSC_2629 K has always loved the train, and Alia wanted to ride the “choo choo” too.20150226-DSC_2644 20150226-DSC_2647 20150226-DSC_2663 The kids got to talk with Mickey, that was pretty cool! He even asked them to do the Hot Dog dance with him.20150226-DSC_268620150226-DSC_2688Waiting for the castle show. Kaden is really into timers.20150226-DSC_2697Kaden has such a strong sense of justice, he was so mad when Maleficent came out & said no one believes in dreams. He cupped his hands around his mouth and yelled out “dreams come true” with all the gusto he could 😉20150226-DSC_2710Alia was shocked and terrified to see Maleficent. When she appeared in the cloud of smoke Alia gasped and covered her mouth before she buried her face into me until Maleficent left.20150226-DSC_2738Of course, Mickey & his pals saved the day.20150226-DSC_2739We got to eat at Beast’s castle, it is so impressive. And they take reservations for lunch now, even though it’s counter service, which was really nice to not stand in the huge line.20150226-DSC_275320150226-DSC_276220150226-DSC_276820150226-DSC_278520150226-DSC_279320150226-DSC_281220150226-DSC_2824Mickey turkey meatloaf.20150226-DSC_282720150226-DSC_2813You could eat in the West Wing too.20150226-DSC_284620150226-DSC_286020150226-DSC_2879The details in new Fantasyland’s sidewalks are really fun. Kaden loved the peanut shells in line for Dumbo.20150226-DSC_287320150226-DSC_288020150226-DSC_289520150226-DSC_2993We saw the Festival of Fantasy parade for the first time, it was a lot of fun.
20150226-DSC_298120150226-DSC_300020150226-DSC_301420150226-DSC_3017Alia was very happy to see Elsa & Anna.20150226-DSC_302320150226-DSC_302620150226-DSC_303320150226-DSC_301620150226-DSC_3039Landon’s mom was talking about how the fairies weren’t walking, they were like floating, and how did they do that. Landon was about to say something when Kaden yelled out “They can fly! Haven’t you seen the movie?!20150226-DSC_305520150226-DSC_306320150226-DSC_307920150226-DSC_3098

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