
Disney Day

We’ve been meaning to get out to Disney before it gets to hot outside & crowded with spring breakers, so this week we spent a day at Animal Kingdom in the morning, and Magic Kingdom in the evening. It was a fun time!

Our first stop was Kilimanjaro Safari, which I realized when we got there said “expectant mothers should not ride”, so my mom kept me company back at Starbucks 🙂20160301-DSC_0253 Then we checked out the “affection section” or petting zoo. The kids liked it fine, but really the train ride to it was the best part, and there wasn’t anything spectacular about the train ride…20160301-DSC_0333 20160301-DSC_0273 20160301-DSC_0385No stroller = lots of carries.
20160301-DSC_0399 20160301-DSC_0390 20160301-DSC_0394 Tall enough to ride!20160301-DSC_0403 Not tall enough to ride.20160301-DSC_0409 Can you spot Kaden? He & Landon are in about the 7th row back (white t-shirt on K, black on L), right in front of my mom, dad, & Davis. He got off and said he hated it (too scary! He liked everything else he rode though.)20160301-DSC_0458 20160301-DSC_0435

This is really the best part of living by Disney – home for the hottest & busiest part of the day to rest & snack, before heading back for the evening!20160301-DSC_0502

Main Street U.S.A.20160301-DSC_051520160301-DSC_0529Got a stroller this time.20160301-DSC_053220160301-DSC_053620160301-DSC_0546The boys were off to find adventure (in Adventureland, of course!) They rode Splash Mountain, Big Thunder Mountain Railroad, & watched the Country Bears (my dad’s favorite.)20160301-DSC_0540Mom, Alia, & I were off to ride the Little Mermaid, & find a treat 🙂20160301-DSC_0562Lafou’s Brew – Alia asked me the next day “sometime can I have some of that tasty drink again?”20160301-DSC_058120160301-DSC_057120160301-DSC_0594Tea cups – we didn’t spin ours, so no one got sick 😉20160301-DSC_062520160301-DSC_0629Looking for that little mouse.20160301-DSC_063820160301-DSC_066920160301-DSC_068720160301-DSC_064420160301-DSC_0737We watched fireworks from Fantasyland, which is a pretty fun spot! Not crowded, & you’re surrounded by the fireworks. 20160301-DSC_0755Kaden enjoyed them, and Alia didn’t cry for the first time!20160301-DSC_074520160301-DSC_0812Afterwards there was a 5 minute line to meet Anna & Elsa, so we finally did that! Not long ago it was never short of an hour, sometimes up to 4 or 5 hours to meet them (crazy, right?!)

Alia had a very nice visit and talked about all kinds of random things (her dress, the chocolate coins she got from her friend’s birthday party, the fact that she’s never seen snow…)20160301-DSC_085720160301-DSC_087720160301-DSC_0883Then we were off to ride the carousel. Kaden was off with daddy & papa again to ride Pirates of the Caribbean for the first time (immediately followed by a second.) We met back up to watch the electrical parade before we went home.20160301-DSC_095420160301-DSC_100920160301-DSC_101220160301-DSC_102220160301-DSC_102520160301-DSC_1031It was such a fun day! But seriously it’s taken me several days to recover – so much walking! I might wait on another theme park day until after this baby is born (& a little while more after that…)

1 Comment

  1. Laurie Stickline Spindler

    March 4, 2016 at 9:33 pm

    Disney days are the BEST!! This makes me homesick. Miss you all!!

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