Alia / she tells me “I’m hot. I need my sunglasses” all the time, inside & outside. Yesterday was so pretty we went out to the backyard for an hour or so. Kaden / he’s ...
Both of the kids got new bedding a couple weeks ago, & Alia has her own bed for the first time (she just got new sheets, & is using the quilt Mimi made for her baby shower.) Kaden had ...
Kaden / writing practice. We got these Star Wars preschool books and they make things pretty fun. Kaden’s a lefty so I had to google “how to hold a pencil left-handed” and show ...
Kaden / I’m afraid he’s letting the Spider Man pjs go to his head. I tell him to get down, but you can’t tame a wild soul. Alia / middle-center back of her head right there, is ...
Kaden / entertaining himself with a sticker book & bowl of Cheerios during Alia’s nap. Alia / in a princess dress, with her socks pulled all up. She always wants to wear them like that. ...
I first heard about the 52 project here a couple years ago. One portrait a week (per child) for a whole year. So here goes my first! Kaden / putting together one of his last new Lego sets from ...