Kaden / writing practice. We got these Star Wars preschool books and they make things pretty fun. Kaden’s a lefty so I had to google “how to hold a pencil left-handed” and show him some examples, because I really don’t know how. Anyone have tips for left-handed writing? I have heard it’s harder, so I want to set him up for good penmanship as much as I can (I’ve also heard penmanship is a dying art in the digital age but I’m going to cultivate it with our kids.) He takes things seriously and is erasing his minor mistakes in this photo 🙂 He also thinks erasers are extremely cool.
Alia / she and Kaden love window stickers, and they’re excited for Valentine’s Day already. Her snowman ones at Christmas she ripped all up, but is taking better care of these 🙂
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Pat Griesemer
January 27, 2015 at 12:50 pmKatelyn, Laurie Spindler is left handed as well as her son… Maybe she will have some tips for you!
Laurie Spindler
January 27, 2015 at 3:15 pmHis biggest challenges will be: not having ink all over the side of his left hand as he starts using pens, learning to tie his shoelaces, ladles in punch bowls (luckily it doesn’t happen too often), manual can openers, scissors are tricky…they do sell left-handed ones that are much more comfortable. Otherwise, he will learn to adjust and may end up doing some things right handed like swing a bat or a golf club like I do. 🙂
Katelyn Heather
February 6, 2015 at 10:20 amGood to know! I’ll have to find him some lefty scissors, because he loves to cut things 🙂 Thanks Laurie!