Holidays, Life


You know, like doing Christmasy things? Thank you, Carpenter family.DSC_0004The Christmas tree is like her little jungle gym. She lays under it and looks at the lights and ornaments and we ring the little bells for her. She’s mesmerized. ย DSC_0007See the gingerbread boy? Her face is saying “I’m gonna smack ’em!” (She did too, several times.)DSC_0014Fashions by Faith

Faith had her jewelry Christmas open house yesterday, & it was so much fun. She made a whole array of lovely Christmas goodies, & it was very nice to see lots of friends and visit a little.DSC_0009DSC_0011Having a chat with Pa. He calls her “baby baby”.
DSC_0014 (1)Faith recently started an Etsy page. If you’d like to, you can check it out here. She has a lot of pretty creations, and some great gift options too!DSC_0024Alia got to visit with Grandma Fish & took a nice long snooze. She loves parties for the noise – it puts her right to sleep ๐Ÿ™‚DSC_0034Mimi’s other baby.DSC_0040Present wrapping

The first year we were married, I wrapped all the gifts. It would be fair to say I’m not the best gift wrapper. The the next year Landon offered to help, and I was amazed! Perfect creases, just the right amount of paper for each present (I always end up with too much or too little), and last night he was lamenting that he didn’t have double-sided tape because you can see the regular tape & it messes up the look :-/

Waiting to be wrapped
DSC_0049The master gift-wrapperDSC_0064My job is writing on the tags now. I’m very okay with that ๐Ÿ™‚DSC_0069DSC_0076Note to family: Kaden & I did wrap a few earlier, so if you get an ugly one, that would be one of mine ๐Ÿ˜‰

katelyn signature






1 Comment

  1. Pat G

    December 16, 2012 at 10:39 pm

    Beautiful pictures, Katelyn….

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