
Learning to Ride

We got Kaden a new bike last week, and he’s learned to ride a two wheeler!

He’s had a bike with training wheels since his 5th birthday, but never wanted to take them off. But since the new bike didn’t have them, he was ready to learn, and is doing so well!

He’s so much braver than I was at his age, he’d wreck and jump right back on to try again. Thankfully after the first few days he doesn’t really wreck anymore 🙂

Also, after this experience, we’ve decided to have the other two learn on a balance bike. They make so much more sense! They say kids can learn as young as 2 years old, so we plan to get Leo one for his birthday 🙂 He already wants to ride brother & sister’s bikes.


1 Comment

  1. Heather Teff

    March 9, 2018 at 11:37 am

    So exciting!

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